

Well. This is a terrifying season that we find ourselves in. I keep flashing back to mid-March when I was recording APW Instagram stories while I lay on my couch with a headache, after having to slash APW’s budget in really painful ways, saying over and over “I think you should really re-schedule your 2020 wedding, I don’t think weddings as we knew them are going to happen again for a long time DON’T YELL AT ME.” Turns out that was all way more true than I wanted it to be. And the news about the Pandemic (and the economy) is so much worse this summer than my wildest nightmare. The fact that we’re dealing with a full government meltdown is just… staggering. And as a human with children facing down not just no in person school, but no real distance learning (school underfunding is real y’all, and after decades, this is what it looks like), with a kid having a mental health crisis from isolation, I am just trying to figure out which end is up right now. (Spoiler: I don’t know.)

But I will say that through it all, my gratitude game has stayed strong. I’m grateful that we’ve been able to re-structure the business in a way that I think will be better for all of us long term. We’ve been working like mad to launch Practical Business School (our summer session is coming next week, join my personal mailing list to find out about the launch). I’m feeling like I’m in my groove professionally in a way that I haven’t been in years. We’ve also created a small but mighty pod, and a really tight relationship with our bubble family (those are the people we could lick on the face if we wanted to.) I’m really really grateful for that. We’re building a treehouse in our backyard as part of a larger outside space renovation. And I’ve been speaking out about antisemitism on Instagram. As fucking terrible as it is that I have to do that, people have listened, and that’s one more thing to be grateful for.

AND we took a COVID test for a mild cough we couldn’t shake, and are COVID free. And that’s about as good as it gets right now.

With that, it’s on y’all. What’s good (and horrible) in your life right now?


P.S. If you missed our Inclusivity Report & Goal Statement that we pushed out on Instagram over our summer break, you can read it in detail (it lives in the footer menu of our site now).


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